私の家族はとても大きくて、九人家族ですよ!兄弟は弟三人と兄一人と姉二人がいます。私は 真ん中です。ダニエル (Danielle)は一番上です。本屋につとめています。三十二さいです。よく本を読むから、あたまがいいとおもいます!兄はパトリック(Patrick)です。今、かんこくにすんでいます。かんこくの小学校につとめています。えいごを教えます(teaches)。ダンシングがとても上手な人です。私の弟は二人小学生です。ライランドとナタナル(Ryland and Nathanael) です。ゲームをするのが大好きです。兄弟は二人"step siblings"です。たくさん子あるので、両親はいそがしい人です!
Thursday, February 25, 2016
Wednesday, February 3, 2016
Spring Semester Goals
Looking back at both my prior stipulated goals, in addition to the progress I have made in Japanese this semester, I believe it is time for me to update my goals for the class. I will keep my list shorter this time so it may be more focused and realistic.
- Foremost, I want to be able to speak more fluidly and without long pauses
- I have noticed this is probably the biggest problem I'm having in the course currently, and it made me perform poorly on the oral exam while doing very well on the written.
- I want to be able to understand fast speakers of the language
- I can understand the words we have learned when they are spoken at a slower rate (as in class by most of the teachers), but when spoken at a natural speed it becomes too fast to keep up with or understand.
- I want to continue to develop my knowledge of the language
- This includes grammar, vocabulary, and idiomatic phrases. I already feel as if I'm doing very well in this area and want to continue doing so.
- For the first goal, I believe the best method to improve my fluidity in speaking is to attend office hours with one of the teachers and simply speak in Japanese for an extended period of time.
- Doing so will make me feel more natural about speaking the words that I have already learned, and my confidence will be increased resulting in more fluidity.
- Secondarily, as a supplement, I will try to attend at least one Japanese Table to see if it would be helpful for me in this goal.
- The second goal I think will largely be progressed towards through my first method above. In addition, I will try to listen to more of the online spoken dialogue from the textbook website. They often speak fast, and exposing myself to such natural conversation should help me to become more comfortable with it.
- For my final goal, I am already completing the homework on time and attending all lectures. This has been sufficient in achieving that goal.
Thank you,
Friday, January 8, 2016
PE 12: Final Reflections
Japanese 101 has been a great experience. Not only have I learned a lot of the Japanese language in such a short period of time, but also I have learned a lot about Japanese culture. As far as my progress on the goals I enumerated earlier in the year, I believe I have accomplished the first two rather well, and made significant progress on the third. In addition to the phrases spoken in class by the teachers and students, I've noticed that I can understand many of the things said by Japanese actors in popular media. Even if I cannot completely understand all of the words they are saying, there are now many words and phrases I am hearing and comprehending that help me to infer the meanings behind the conversations. In regards to the second goal, although I do not feel all that comfortable speaking Japanese still, I have noticed definite improvements in my comfort level as well as the naturalness of my speech. Listening to my voice recording on the PriTele assignment, I was surprised by how natural I sounded! Lastly, on the third goal, I have built up quite a bit of vocabulary in Japanese as well as knowledge of grammatical structures. I am still a long way from proficiency though! Overall, it has been a great semester, and to my fellow classmates and my teachers, I would like to say:
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
私の冬休みはとてもたのしいです。アリゾナからくるので、冬休みにアリゾナへかえりました。アリゾナの方がプリンストンより暑いです。クリスマスに温度は70度でした.りょうしんとともだちにあいました。そして、たくさん贈り物もらいました。カリフォルニアにもいきました。Rose Bowlのゲームをみました。おもしろいですよ!私はフットボールをみるのが好きです。そして、Ronald Reaganの図書館にいきました。そこにクリスマスの木がたくさんあります。この木はさまざまな国からきました。アメリカの木と日本の木のしゃしんをとりました(see below)。いま、冬休みがおわりました。かなしですね。=(
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