Friday, January 8, 2016

PE 12: Final Reflections

Japanese 101 has been a great experience. Not only have I learned a lot of the Japanese language in such a short period of time, but also I have learned a lot about Japanese culture. As far as my progress on the goals I enumerated earlier in the year, I believe I have accomplished the first two rather well, and made significant progress on the third. In addition to the phrases spoken in class by the teachers and students, I've noticed that I can understand many of the things said by Japanese actors in popular media. Even if I cannot completely understand all of the words they are saying, there are now many words and phrases I am hearing and comprehending that help me to infer the meanings behind the conversations. In regards to the second goal, although I do not feel all that comfortable speaking Japanese still, I have noticed definite improvements in my comfort level as well as the naturalness of my speech. Listening to my voice recording on the PriTele assignment, I was surprised by how natural I sounded! Lastly, on the third goal, I have built up quite a bit of vocabulary in Japanese as well as knowledge of grammatical structures. I am still a long way from proficiency though! Overall, it has been a great semester, and to my fellow classmates and my teachers, I would like to say:



Wednesday, January 6, 2016



私の冬休みはとてもたのしいです。アリゾナからくるので、冬休みにアリゾナへかえりました。アリゾナの方がプリンストンより暑いです。クリスマスに温度は70度でした.りょうしんとともだちにあいました。そして、たくさん贈り物もらいました。カリフォルニアにもいきました。Rose Bowlのゲームをみました。おもしろいですよ!私はフットボールをみるのが好きです。そして、Ronald Reaganの図書館にいきました。そこにクリスマスの木がたくさんあります。この木はさまざまな国からきました。アメリカの木と日本の木のしゃしんをとりました(see below)。いま、冬休みがおわりました。かなしですね。=(