Monday, October 5, 2015

Japanese Goals -

I am using this post to outline what I want to achieve in JPN 101/102 this year, and the specific things I will do to reach those goals.


  1. I want to be able to pick up phrases and general ideas from the speech of native speakers (whether in real-life contexts, or from Japanese media).
  2. I want to be able to speak Japanese phrases in a way that sounds natural, in both tone and speed. I do not mind having an accent so much, but I do want to be understandable without difficulty.
  3. I want to be able to understand Japanese writing at least with grammatical proficiency (I believe building vocabulary will take longer)
  1. I will attend one of the せんせいの office hours at least once every two weeks, in order to make sure I have understood the curriculum for that period, as well as to consolidate information.
  2. Go to にほんのたべる at least twice a month, to engage in social Japanese conversation practice, learn about Japanese culture, and to have fun and eat good food!
  3. Watch an episode of a Japanese show/anime at least once a week.
  4. Repeat aloud (at least twice) the Listening Activities in the workbook whenever they are assigned.
こるそん (Colson, Calvin)


  1. がんばって!すごいのブログ!

  2. You have nice goals Colson さん!I wish you the best of luck!

  3. こんにちは
    My name is Tsukasa Wakiyama.
    I am from Ikeda city, in Osaka.
    I am a first grade student in ritsumeikan univercity.
    I major in international business in there.
    My hobbies are playing Kendo and listening to Japanese rock music.
    Next year, I am going to study abroad, so I effort to study English.
    I have IELTS score 5.

  4. What do you major in subjects at university?
    わたしはstudy business in 大学

    1. I am an economics major (けいざいがく). ありがとう for your replies!

    2. I am an economics major (けいざいがく). ありがとう for your replies!

  5. How's it going? I'm fine.
    Oh, really? What job do you want to in the future?

  6. hi, I'm natsu who is 19 years old and living in Osaka. I'm studying international business, English and Spanish at my university Ritsumeikan. I know learning Japanese is always a difficult thing to do. Since my native language is Japanese, so I hope I could help something on it!

    はじめまして。 わたしのなまえは なつです。19さいで おおさかに すんでいます。 だいがくでは けいえいがくと えいごと すぺいんごを べんきょうしています。
